2D Scanner

Technical specifications

The profile of a log is scanned in two perpendicular planes. A special algorithm for processing the data obtained eliminates factors affecting the accuracy of measurements (knots, peeled bark, chips, etc.).
Vertex and lump diameters are measured not at the ends of a log, but with some deviation from the edge of the log. This is necessary if, for example, there is an uneven saw. The indent can be manually set by the operator or automatically determined. It is possible to adjust the obtained values for the diameter of the top and koml according to the escape of the log.
When measuring logs with bark, different methods of bark exclusion are used: correction factors for bark thickness or factors for bark volume.

Measured parameters:
– Vertex diameter (with bark)
– Rubber diameter (with bark)
– Length
– Actual volume (with bark)
– Escape .
– Actual volume (without bark)

Calculated parameters:
– Vertex diameter (without bark)
– Rubber diameter (without bark)
– Accounting diameter
– Bookkeeping volume
– Accounting length
– Volume according to GOST 2708-75